(877) 465-2824 rent@kauaiexclusive.com

The Coconut Wireless is a medium of communication, specific to Kauai. Through the coconut wireless, dreams come true, desires are manifested, prayers are answered and blessings are bestowed. It is not tangible, however. There is no office, no operator, no website. The coconut wireless exists in the land, in the air, in the ocean and in the essence of aloha. In a nutshell, the coconut wireless connects your energy to Kauai’s energy.

Experiencing The Coconut Wireless

If you’ve been to Kauai, you’ve surely experienced the coconut wireless. If you have yet to come, you can look forward to experiencing it.

Some people warn “be careful what you think and say on this island,” because these things actually come true. In fact, they manifest faster here than any other place on the planet. There is a distinct exchange between what we are calling in and that which comes to us. This is the coconut wireless.

The coconut wireless is the discovery of a secret beach in the moment of needing solitude. It is stumbling upon a mango tree dripping with fruit, right when you started to get hungry. It’s feeling gravitated towards one area of the coral reef, and finding a honu (green sea turtle) waiting for you there. The coconut wireless connects you to Kauai. It reflects your deepest, truest desires. And it is the silver lining to each and every moment on this magical island.

Kauai Vacation Rentals

Give The Coconut Wireless A Try!

Tuning into the coconut wireless is a great way to guarantee a life-changing trip to Kauai. More so than getting what you want, Kauai shall gift you with what you need. Oftentimes, this is transformative. It enhances life, opening new doors and illuminating new ways of living. It allows us to see ourselves in a whole new way. And, it eliminates the distance between us and our surroundings, bringing us into the peaceful moment of paradise found.

So, while you’re here in paradise, give the coconut wireless a try. Oftentimes, by simply contemplating its existence, Kauai showers you with unexplainable bliss.

In the meantime, as you wrap your mind around the myriad opportunities that abound here on Kauai, allow Kauai Exclusive to assist! With deep roots woven intimately into Kauai’s network, Kauai Exclusive Management and Realty provides services to suite all of your needs. From choosing which amenities will be most helpful, which tour to go on, to deciding which area of the island to purchase your dream home— Kauai Exclusive is with you every step of the way.

Yes, Kauai Exclusive is a tangible thing. It is an up-standing business, run by real people, offering refined resources in a genuine way.

There is something to be said about harnessing all the tools we have available to us. Sometimes, one is more useful than another. Sometimes a few are necessary. In the case of planning your trip to Kauai, Kauai Exclusive Management is the ultimate tool. While you’re here, we welcome you to lean on us as well. We are a wealth of resources for you to utilize. Backing those resources is a commitment to service, integrity and Aloha.

In stride, as your dream vacation unfolds and you navigate Kauai, we invite you to tap into the customized nature of the coconut wireless. For, it is a marriage of the two that will guide you to exactly where you are supposed to be.